Have you created a wonderful digital course and got stuck in marketing it? You are in a situation where hundreds of thousands of creators around the world are currently and in this book you can learn how to release the bottleneck and increase sales of digital courses.
The problem and therein also lies the solution
The Corona period and the inventions of millions of people around the world under house arrest brought many professionals to build digital courses. On the one hand the market is flooded, thousands of courses have been created in the same field, the creators resorted to building a course without an accurate characterization of an audience that wants to buy them.
And on the other hand - we all studied wonderfully in homes addicted to computers, Zoom and of course to digital course spaces, this industry is at its peak, the market for digital courses generates millions in Israel and billions in the world, all the conditions are ready for you to reap the benefits if you have already created a course or have planned to build one.
The starting point: your course is ready and no one has heard of it
At this point, as mentioned, there are many course creators and also... all sellers of services or products, it's okay, you can be calm, they all started when the audience did not know their product or service. A "set it and forget it" atmosphere has been created around the courses, build a digital course and the millions will come, in any marketing course this work assumption is not correct and certainly not in the sale of your course / knowledge.
You must create a marketing strategy for your digital course and now!
In the following steps we will deal with the program itself, the sales options, characterizing the target audience, knowing the knowledge needs of our target audience and where our course helps them. It is always wonderful to create a strategy before entering the market, but it is also possible when you have already created your own course and you want to make profits from it. We are going to talk about both tracks, both the planning of a course that has not yet been created and the marketing of an existing course.
Our roots for the growth of the strategy and the winning course
Who is the target audience that is most suitable for our course + what is the solution
An important tip worth its weight in gold!
What are the best courses in the world (and in Israel) in the field you are going to pursue?
What people are looking for or will look for in the context of your course.
Give your course as a gift to close circles: family, friends, neighbors, etc
At this stage let people work with your course you will hear "live" feedback from people who care about you and your creation. It is important to keep a record of the good things they passed on to you as well as constructive comments for changes and corrections, it is perfectly fine to update courses and refine a letter from time to time to reach a high level of excellence. At this point, your close circle will really want to praise and share their opinion - if it doesn't happen by itself (which always happens), encourage them to write you reviews and share your course page around the web.
Give your course a launch period in which it will be sold at an attractive price,
Create a "tasting" of the course and upload it to YouTube and social media.
Creating a marketing and sales page for the course
A course is a high point on the way to becoming an authority.
1. Create content regularly on social media and on any platform that has the target audience that is relevant to your course and of course to the following courses you create
2. Make sure to create a corner for the course / courses on your website or on a website dedicated to courses
3. Create content in information nodes where the relevant people to purchase the course are located
4. Be a guest on blogs, podcasts, communities that can be a good platform for promoting the course.
Create a leverage point from the course to create or improve a mailing list.
Marketing the course through sponsored campaigns
How much to sell your course?
2. Your advertising costs in the launch stages and on an ongoing basis 3. What is the monthly profit base from a course / courses that will satisfy you?
You should arrange the data in the table and perform a monthly, quarterly and annual multiplication according to the price you plan to ask, so you can see your expected earnings from the course and understand if it suits you.
A second thing worth checking is what the price cut is in Israel and around the world for a similar course with a similar value from the customer's point of view.
You can give price discounts according to launch periods, holiday sales, etc., but always state the price from which the discount is derived, otherwise people won't understand why it's worth buying right now.
It is important to work with a lot of patience, to make changes and adjustments, to refine processes and messages until the marketing of the course is released and begins to generate a series of sales.